Lab lunch celebrating a successful Fall 2022 semester at Tino's...best cheesesteaks in Norman!
Photo gallery

Lawri Sanders is recognized at the annual McNair Scholars Banquet in Spring 2022. Lawri received a scholarship and was admitted to the Genetic Counseling M.S. program at the University of Minnesota. With Sophia Bolin-Dills, Director of the McNair Scholars Program at OU.

Farris Tedder receives the Outstanding Graduate Award from the Department of Biology.
Lab cookout to celebrate the end of a successful 2018-2019 academic year and send off our lab graduates to their next pursuits!

The next generation of Drosophilists! The 2017 Sooner Flight Academy "Penguins."
Stephanie Amorim presents the results of her research at the Honors College UnderGraduate Research Day.
The Masly Lab, Fall 2018
The Masly Lab, Fall 2017
Tom Buckman receives the Outstanding Graduate Award from the Department of Biology.
The Masly Lab, Fall 2016

Ameel Chaudhary presents his research at the First Year Reasearch Experience Symposium and receives one of the Best Poster Awards. With the FYRE Directors Rama Kothepalli and Anthony Burgett.
Amana Fatima presents her research at the First Year Reasearch Experience Symposium and receives one of the Best Poster Awards. With the FYRE Directors Rama Kothepalli and Anthony Burgett.
The Masly Lab, Fall 2015
Alex Barnard presents at the OU Graduate Research Symposium, complete with interactive 3D models of Enallagma male and female reproductive structures!
Alex Barnard presents at the OU Graduate Research Symposium. With Zain Hyder, Arash Ghazanfari, and Julie Hall.
Matt Wesson, a Norman High School student, presents his summer research project at the Research Experience for High Scool Students Symposium. With Matt's research mentor and Masly Lab Masters student Stephen Frazee.
The Masly Lab, Fall 2014

The Masly Lab, Fall 2013

The Masly Lab, Fall 2011
Damselfly cake in celebration of Alex's birthday!
Mallory McMahon present her research and Undergraduate Research Day.

We celebrate Harriet's birthday with La Baguette!

Lab lunch to wish Atticus all the best success as he heads to the OU College of Medicine to begin medical school!